Thursday, November 17, 2011

Answers to today's questions.

Today in math we learned about converting decimals to fractions and percents. and converting percents to fractions then decimals.

We have two examples of each.
The first one is converting a decimal to a fraction and a percent.
0.0064 x 100 = 0.64 64/10 000 or 64/100%
0.268 x 100= 268 or 0.268/1000 or 268/100
5.98x100=598% or 598/100 or 598/100%

And the second example is converting a percent to a fraction then a decimal.

75% fraction: 7 1/2 decimal: 7.5
0.3% fraction: 3/1'000 decimal: 0.003
12 3/4% fraction: 1275/10'000


to convert decimals to percents use hundred grids or multipaction

and to convert percents to decimals use divison.


  1. Hi Angelika nice post. I like how you used different colors. You could have made the font bigger, put picture, a link, and video. Good Job :)

  2. good job I like how you put different colors but next time add a picture, video and a link. but good job Angelika.

  3. Great Job, Angelika! I liked how you separated subjects by color but you could have also changed the size or even the font. Please add in some pictures, a link and a video. Also, check your spelling (on the red sentences did you mean multiplication instead of multipaction?). I've got an idea for you, change the font color in every subject. For example, you could have decimals as green, fractions blue and percents red. If I'm not mistaken, you're missing some percentage signs on one of your percents (268/100). Great job on your scribe post.

  4. Good job Angelika. I like the colours. But next time put a picture, a video, and a link in it. But anyway Great Job!

  5. Good Job Angelika. I like how you put what we learned in class. I could have put pictures to make it more cute or fancy to see, video for us to know more about converting decimals, percents and fractions and link for us to practice on. You could improve your blog by adding those things. Plus, dont use lighter colors because its hard to see. Good job!

  6. This was a pretty good job but it was pretty short with no pictures or links. next time you should add a video too. But otherwise it was a nice scribe post. I especially like all the colors

  7. Hey Angelika,
    Good job. I liked how you had colour to make the words pop out and look cool. Something you could have done is put pictures of the homework to make the viewers understand more.

    Good job

  8. Great job, Angelika. I liked how you used a lot of colour and you showed how to convert the fractions, decimals and percents to each other. If you added a video or a link it would have been better but this still was a great scribe post! Good Job!

  9. Good Job Angelika. I really like how you uses different colours for each section.I wish that you posted some pictures but good job... Keep up the good work :)

  10. Good job Angelika! I like how you had colors in your scribe post it, it made your scribe post really 'pop' out. Next time you might want to add some pictures or a video, so if some people don't get the notse they can watch the video and understand it a little more. Overall, good job. (:

  11. short and understandable. .Good job Angelika! i agree with the others. . a photo or a video could be a little more helpful so it would make the post a little more interesting and fun but anyways. . keep up the good work ^_~

  12. Good job Angelika! I really liked how you made your fonts into different colors so the reader hassle interest in reading your post! but next time you should add a video and some pictures so it's more interesting for your classmates to understandr what your talking about with the decimals, percents and the fractions! but other that that goodjob on your scribe post! (:

  13. good job angelika, nice use of colour, but next time add a picture about the post and a video.

  14. Good job angelika i like how you change the colour but some of them are too light its hard to read and next time you should add picture to explain what your doing and you should also add a video to make your scribe post more stand . I think you explained everything OK and so far good job :)

  15. Great Job! I liked how you have changed the colour of the fonts, but some of them are too bright that it's hard for us to see. You could also add an image next time to support your explanation. Overall well done! Here is a link you might want to use:

  16. Nice post Angelika. I liked how you used a variety of colors to make your post pop out. It was also helpful that you gave us a reminder. Something you could of done to improve your post was add pictures, videos, and links to help us understand your post better. You did a good job.

  17. Good Job Angelika. I liked how you change the colours to make the blog more interesting. You could have posted a picture to make it more understandable.


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