Sunday, February 5, 2012

1. Answer in a short paragraph and with diagrams

Relationship between the sides of a right triangle. A right triangle is any triangle that has one right internal angle. Pythagoras stated, if the length of the legs (smallest side) are squared and their sum is found, the sum will equal to the square of the hypotenuse ( longest side)
p.s forgot to put the square in the corner :(

2. Solve for the missing side length.

p.s forgot to put the square in the corner :(

3. Is this a right triangle? Prove it!!!

Not a right triangle because 100cm2 doesn't equal 121cm2

p.s forgot to put the square in the corner :(

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for explaining it it helped a lot :) I like how you put pictures, and diagrams. That helped a lot. I like how you used a dark colour so it was easy too see. Next time maybe post a link, everything else is good though. Good job:)
