Sunday, March 11, 2012

Samantha's Surface Area and Volume Post

Surface Area

Rectangular Prism
To get the surface area of a rectangular prism, you just go:
2 (T+F+S)
2 (__+__+__)
2 (__)

TSA = 2 (T+F+S)
TSA = 2 (50+60+30)
TSA = 2 (140)
TSA = 280m2

To get the surface area of a cylinder you just go add the rectangle area number with the circle area number and again, the circle area number.
TSA = 301.44 + 50.24 + 50.24
TSA = 401.92mm2

Triangular Prism
To get the surface area of a triangular prism you just go:
TSA = 135 + 36 + 36
TSA = 207cm2


Triangular Prism
To get the volume of a triangular prism the formula is:

Rectangular Prism
To get the volume of a rectangular prism, the formula is l x w x h. It doesn't actually matter if you put the length then width then height, you can change the order.

To get the volume of a cylinder, the formula π x r x r x h or you can just use π x r 2 x h.

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