Thursday, March 22, 2012

Jason's Total Surface Area and Volume Post

Total Surface Area

Rectangular prism size and net

Formula for rectangular prism

Triangular prism size and net

Formula for Triangular prism

Cylinder size and net

Formula for cylinder


Rectangular Prism size

Formula for rectangular prism

Triangular prism size

Formula for triangular prism

Cylinder size

Formula for cylinder


  1. Your blog is very informative and here is the simple definition of rectangular prism,A recatangular prism is a solid object which is 3-D and has six faces that are same as rectangles and Its a prism because it has the same cross-section along a length.
    Rectangular Prism Definition

  2. Good work Jason! But next time add a link, or video. Otherwise it was good. Make it colourful too. So it's more bold. Maybe add text too it too? Not just pictures. I like how you explained it, quite well. I like how, you put the formulas. And know what you're doing. Keep it up!
    - Angelika.
